ngpsTALK Register today!

Welcome to ngpsTALK! A space where parents, students, staff and community members can share their ideas and feedback on a variety of topics affecting our school division.
Your voice is important! ngpsTALK is a new online forum we are using to connect easily and regularly with our communities. Register once and you're all set to participate in any/all discussions.
Register now to start sharing! As a thank you for registering, your name will be entered in a draw for prizes! More info to come!
Watch a How-to Register for ngpsTALK video here!
Getting started:
- Click on the Register now! link.
- Follow the prompts to enter in your user name and information - your user name will appear beside any feedback you contribute. If you would like to participate online anonymously, choose a user name that does not identify you. Your actual name will be taken as part of the sign up process but will remain confidential.
- Complete the registration form.
- A verification code and completion link will be sent to the email you provided.
- You're ready to talk!
Scroll down the main page until you see the project, "What makes your school community shine?"
Click in the Start your story by providing a title and you're ready to share! Did we mention there are prizes for registering? More info to come!