Our School

Grades Taught

Junior Kindergarten - Grade 5


Pat Hardy Elementary School is a safe, happy place to be! We are excited to offer Junior Kindergarten through Grade 5 options for the 2023-2024 school year! Our classrooms are inclusive, and we work diligently to ensure that every child experiences success daily. Teachers at Pat Hardy Elementary School are also learners and make every effort to stay current with any new research that focuses on how children learn.


We serve 400 students and their families, and we invite these families to visit as often as possible, we appreciate volunteers in the school.


Welcome to another exciting year at Pat Hardy!

For those who are new, we are happy that you have joined the Pat Hardy family. For those returning, we are excited to see you back! We are looking forward to the 2023-2024 school year 

We believe in families and school staff working together to ensure every student at Pat Hardy knows they belong and have their needs met as they learn and grow. Pat Hardy has a strong, collaborative, and responsive instructional team who will work together to meet any new challenges that may arise. 

Pat Hardy experienced significant growth in enrollment last year, and we are excited to welcome some new teachers to our team this year as a result. Our priority is to make sure every child has met their literacy and numeracy goals prior to leaving Pat Hardy while also fostering confidence and a growth mindset in themselves as learners. We want our students to know they are loved and important members of our Pat Hardy school community. 

Please do not hesitate to reach out at any time to speak to your child’s teacher, our inclusive education team, or to me if you have any questions or concerns about your child’s experience at Pat Hardy.

Your partner in education, 

Anne Martens, Principal


Linda Wigton

Barb Maddigan 


Principal - Anne Martens

Assistant Principal - Nicole Moir



"Always Learning...Learning All Ways!"


At Pat Hardy Elementary School we are inspired to learn in a safe, inclusive, and innovative environment that celebrates success for ALL.


The education of the whole child can only be achieved through the shared responsibility of the home, school, and community. We believe that together we can encourage students to be risk-takers, make responsible decisions, respect one’s self and others, be adaptable in an ever-changing world, and most of all, become life-long learners.


Pat Hardy Eementary School is an inclusive community inspiring growth through discovery.

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